Do it right the first time.
Many of our clients try the economy route first and end up calling us to retake their photos!
Granite Peak Photography is proud to introduce itself as Mohave Valley's most capable photography business. We strive to capture moments, ideas, memories for any occasion. Sometimes the complex but often the simplest of images bring more to the imagination. There's nothing more powerful than an image that creates deep emotions. Family, friends and special places we all hold dear deserve to be frozen in time to cherish forever.
“A good snapshot keeps a moment from running away.”
About Me
MY NAME IS Brandon Stidham
I started taking photos as a child and it slowly morphed into the career it is today. I have taken nearly 180,000 photos in the last year alone. Everything from architecture, landscapes, wildlife and families. I have had careers in the construction, real estate, and global commerce which have granted me the ability to see new places and meet new people. I am driven to CREATE! I am always learning new ways to do things and how to achieve better products and services for my clients.
Brandon Stidham is Granite Peak Photography's owner and photographer. Growing up surrounded by many creative and amazing people have helped in creating his love for art and photography. Through the lens of a camera he lives. Striving to create the best images, the best memories, for now and forever.